If you would like to know anymore information about any of the work you have seen on my site or my Instagram page please feel to contact me on the e-mail address below.
Experience the world of vivid artistry crafted by Paula Faddul, a passionate artist who sheds light on the urgent reality of our planet's plight in her latest collection. Through these acrylic paintings on thick paper, each sized 100 cm by 80 cm, Paula masterfully portrays the profound impact of climate change and global warming. Now, you have the chance to own one of her powerful pieces of work.
The below paintings in the collection are all acrylic on thick paper, the size is 100 cm by 80 cm, and the price is US$1,000.00 per painting
The name mistral comes from the Lanuedoc dialect of the Occitan and means "masterly.
Please enquire via email if you are interested in any of the below pieces of work in the collection
If you would like to know anymore information about any of the work you have seen on my site or my Instagram page please feel to contact me on the e-mail address below.